Point of View

Point of View
and if you wanted to drown you could, but you don’t...~David Whyte

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

What Matters

I have a blog. It’s called “WHAT MATTERS”

I may start keeping that blog up. WHAT MATTERS.
Like this mind blowing gift my daughter (who is a science and math whiz but hates writing and still took the time to fill pages with her love and appreciation for me this past June 5, my 65th.)
This book is filled with love and frankly, is any parent’s deepest desire; that a child of theirs gets it, gets who you are as both a woman and a mother and reciprocates your love, respects your wisdom, and even emulates you.
Being seen like this is the GREATEST GIFT I have or ever will ever receive.
Yes, moms ARE supposed to see their kids and selflessly (but not so selflessly they’re a doormat and don’t model self-care) hold space for them
when you are successful at it?
THIS happens.
Sometimes it takes a lifetime. Sometimes it takes several.
I’m here for it. 🙏🏻

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